Category Archives: 1001 Beers

The Ale Trail goes European

It’s been a while since my last update on the Ale Trail and as I’m sat in a hotel in the beer capital of Europe, I thought it would be good to log the beers I’ve knocked off the list … Continue reading

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Filed under 1001 Beers, Real Ale, Travel

The Ale Trail hits the capital!

Three more beers from the 1001 Beers You Must Taste Before You Die book (The Beer Bible) were crossed off the list earlier this week. On Friday Tara had to call at the Brazilian Embassy to drop off her documentation … Continue reading

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Filed under 1001 Beers, Food, Real Ale, Travel

The Ale Trail gets religion!

Today I got to tick another beer off the 1001 Beers to Taste before I die list. I had a bottle of Trappistes Rochefort 10, we bought four bottles of this beer at the 2012 York Beer and Cider Festival, … Continue reading

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Filed under 1001 Beers, Real Ale

The Ale Trail hits Scotland

We spent New Year’s week in Scotland. We were based in Falkland, Fife, a small village some thirty miles north of Edinburgh. Although a small village, it wasn’t short of drinking venues! In fact there was one, The Stag Inn, … Continue reading

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Filed under 1001 Beers, Holiday, Real Ale, Travel

And the second beer is….

A look in our Christmas beers stock revealed another beer in The Beer Bible, one of my favourite beers, Hobgoblin, brewed by Wychwood Brewery. The Bible, whoops The Beer Bible, mentions Wychwood’s reputation for “quirky and imaginative packaging”, as illustrated … Continue reading

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Filed under 1001 Beers

One down, one thousand to go….

Browsing through the 1001 Beers To Taste Before You Die book, (that’s too much of a mouthful, so from now on I’ll refer to it as The Bible), I was looking to see if any of the beers I had … Continue reading

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